Sunday, September 21, 2014

Firm League of Friendship?


That’s exactly what the Articles of Confederation were. It was a connection between all of the 13 states that fought against the British in the American Revolution. This was America’s first attempt at establishing a central government for the new land that they could call their own.


Scripted in 1781, this document was quickly replaced eight years later due to the large amount of weaknesses and flaws that eventually led to Daniel Shay’s rebellion, which could have ended disastrously.


The government was totally unstable. States were printing their own currency, states had their own militaries, there was no executive branch to pass any acts by congress, and to get a passed act, there had to be a 9/13 vote which is unfair. States were all represented unfairly. Each state was basically just its own country that was friendly with the rest of the states. It was a broken government that needed some serious adjustments.


Finally, after eight long years of frustration, the united state came to the conclusion to abolish that document and start fresh, thus The Constitution was born.

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